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MINISYMPOSIUM: Functionalized viral nanoparticles

Kristiina Mäkinen and the University of Helsinki Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology (MPMB) welcome you to a minisymposium on functionalized viral nanoparticles. The symposium is open and free of charge so if you are interested in viruses and their novel biotechnological applications, welcome!

Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) have a great potential to be exploited as functional structures that can be applied in biotechnical and medical applications. The wide range of inherent properties of virus particles provides an enormous variety of potential application platforms. The program of this minisymposium will highlight several different aspects of current VNP research and the applicability of VNPs in nanobiotechnology.


Monday June 13th 2016 at the Viikki campus, University of Helsinki Meeting room: Info 3, Viikinkaari 11, 1st floor.


13.00 Prof. Christina Wege, Univeristy of Stutgart, Germany “Novel shapes and useful outfits: tailwind for tobacco mosaic virus

13.40 Prof. Mauri Kostiainen, Aalto University “Biohybrid materials: protein cage-nanoparticle superlattices and DNA origami nanostructures

14.20 Coffee break

14.50 Dr. Vesa Hytönen, University of Tampere “Virus-like particles for diagnostics and novel vaccines

15.30 Dr. Thierry Michon, INRA Bordeaux “Using virus particles scaffolds for imaging proteins at work

16.10 MSc. Jane E. Besong-NdikaPotyvirus particles as multi-enzyme carriers

16.30 Concluding remarks

For more information contact:

University lecturer Kristiina Mäkinen; e-mail: kristiina.makinen(at)

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